Monday, December 21, 2009
Who'd've thunk?

Any Vonnegut fans out there?

Friday, December 18, 2009
Top 100 Fantasy Books
When I first found this site, I was relatively new to the genre and decided to use it as a basis for my reading and it actually worked out pretty well until I found other places for my book addiction. Plus, I'm really obsessed with lists.
Below are the top 10:
1. The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
2. Harry Potter Series - J. K. Rowling
3. The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
4. Wheel of Time Series - Robert Jordan
5. A Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin
6. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis
7. The Belgariad Series - David Eddings
8. Wizard's First Rule - Terry Goodkind
9. Magician - Raymond E. Feist
10. His Dark Materials Trilogy - Philip Pullman
**I've read at least one book of 8 of the top 10 (all except Wizard's First Rule and His Dark Materials)
**I've read 32 of the top 100
The site also has links to the top 100 fantasy films, the top 100 sci fi books (and films), and you can click on any book or film to find a synopsis and a category where the book belongs (such as Misfits and Mavericks or Kid's stuff).
Monday, December 14, 2009

We all feel that some of our holiday gifts were not quite what we had hoped to receive. So, we are offering one novel from the books shown below to one lucky winner. You have three chances to win by emailing each of our blogsite emails. This contest will begin December 15, 2009 (tomorrow) and the winner will be announced on January 10, 2010. Sorry, but this is limited to those in the U.S. only.

The rules are simple -
First, you get one chance to win for each blog you visit and email (emails found on the front page of each blog - see my profile box)
Second, your email must contain your full mailing address (that's snail mail) otherwise your message will be deleted. Make sure to put "GIVEAWAY" in the subject line.
Lastly, multiple entries (to individual blog addresses) will disqualify whoever sends them. Please include your screen name and the message boards you are frequently using.
Good luck and happy holidays from us at Seak's Stamp of Approval, Ubiquitous Absence, and State of Review!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Bastion is Back
Saturday, December 12, 2009
StampReview | Banewreaker
When I heard that this book was basically The Lord of the Rings told from the perspective of the losing side, I had to check it out. It’s told in a similar lyrical manner and it is reminiscent of LotR, but it is its own story in its own world just in case you were wondering.
I have to say that Banewreaker really grew on me. At first I thought it would be a likeable book that would be fun just for the fact that it’s told from the “bad” guys’ perspective. But, I’ve really grown to enjoy the world of Urulat along with the great cast of characters who are all trying their hardest to do their best, good or bad.
Book 1 in The Sundering
mmpb - 487 pages
In the first few pages, we find out that there are 7 Shapers who have created the world of Urulat. Each Shaper has a certain gift. Satoris, the third born, is free with his gift to all of the creations of his siblings, but he is refused by his older brother, Haomane, who created the Ellylon (or pretty much the Elves). Haomane wants Satoris to take his gift back from Men and Satoris refuses. Thus begins the Sundering of the world and a time when Haomane spreads rumors declaring Satoris evil and Satoris is forced to take shelter with the Fjel (or the orcs for all intensive purposes).
And there you have it. Those that are considered “evil” are really just misunderstood. Don’t worry, this isn’t a huge spoiler since you learn all this in the first bit. What is great about this book is that each character believes he or she is doing the right thing. And really, who’s to say? Is it really the Ellyllons’ fault for following something they believe to be true? Are the Fjel really evil for helping a fellow being who’s in distress?
And the wonderful grey area continues to spread throughout the book. Tanaros, the immortal human general of Satoris’ army, really exemplifies this. Betrayed by his wife and king who had an adulterous affair, Tanaros kills them both and then finds sanctuary with Satoris in Darkhaven. Even though he is despised as the Betrayer or the Kingslayer in the realm of man, he is a champion in the eyes of those in Darkhaven.
One negative thing, but it really only has to do with the publishers. The Sundering was split into two books, Banewreaker and Godslayer, because it was getting too big. Together they total around 880 pages in mass market paperback, which normally isn't a big problem. Anyway, it's happened before and it's not a huge problem. The book's still great and I guess not so unwieldy to carry.
Who should read this? This is epic and lyrical and yet moves the plot very nicely. Read this when you’re in the mood for a change, when you want to get the feeling of what the other side is thinking; maybe it’s not all bad. Maybe we’re all just selfish and prideful. Whatever you do, you really should read it soon because it’s a great book.
4/5 Stamps for Banewreaker
4/5 Stamps for Banewreaker’s cover
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Lost Symbol Giveaway

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Speed Reading
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Suvudu, Giveaways, and Blogs
StampReview | The Bonehunters
Book 6 in the Malazan Book of the Fallen
Publisher: Tor Fantasy
mmp: 1232 pages, 2008
I say this about every other book in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series, but The Bonehunters has to be one of my favorites in the series. This was one of the quickest 1200 pagers I’ve ever read. There was constant action, from Y’Ghatan to Seven Cities to Malaz Isle with the typical witty banter and unbelievable happenings we’ve come to expect.
The Blurb: A world in which a host of characters, familiar and new, including Heboric Ghost Hands; the possessed Apsalar; Cutter, once a thief now a killer; the warrior Karsa Orlong; and the two ancient wanderers Icarium and Mappo, each searching for such a fate as they might fashion with their own hands, guided by their own will. If only the gods would leave them alone. But now that knives have been unsheathed, the gods are disinclined to be kind. There shall be war, war in the heavens. And the prize? Nothing less than existence itself…
The Bonehunters seemed much more forthcoming with information that most installments, although the usual ambiguity and confusion continues to thrive. It was also good to see some of the original characters come back especially since there was about a thousand page break since we’ve last seen them.
Who should read this? This section is to help you know not only who should read the book, but when (or when not) to read it. The Bonehunters (really the Malazan series) should definitely be read when you’re in the mood for sprawling epic where you are ready to be in the world for a long time (10 books not including novellas and Malazan Empire books). It’s high on magic and hard to classify except as high epic fantasy. There’s a lot of comparison between this series and A Song of Ice and Fire, but really they are on opposite ends of the spectrum. If you did like ASoIaF (and not just for the limited use of magic), but for the grittiness and scope then you would probably like this series too.
5/5 and Seak’s Stamp J
2/5 for the Cover and Seak's Stamp is reserved for the UK cover only J