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Monday, April 25, 2011

(Audiobook) Review - The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan (ReRead)

I started my reread for The Wheel of Time. I love this series and I plan to reread through book 5 all on audiobook, after which time I will no longer be rereading. :)


  1. Bryce, do you have a way to up the speed of playback? I found this tool essential for these books, especially the later ones! :)

  2. Yes, I do! Funny you ask because I was just looking at that and wondering why I haven't started. :)

  3. Oh, good! Some of it you can listen to at double-speed and it will actually seem like normal speech. :) You can save yourself some time!

  4. I wonder if a book comes off better or worse in audio form? Do we compensate for bad dialogue in our head, and when spoken it sounds wooden? Or do good actors inject quality into it that wasn't there on the page? One of these days I must listen to a book I've read.

  5. That's a great idea. Maybe we could make it a challenge. I've listened to crappy audiobooks that are only crappy because the narrator was terrible. Not really fair to the book. Others I'm sure have been made better by the actors. The Wheel of Time readers are awesome.


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