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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Challenge... Fail

I tried really hard, I mean really hard. I even made it halfway through the book. But...

I could do it, I had to put it down. Even though I felt like I needed to finish for the sake of the challenge. Flight to the Savage Empire is just not worth my time. Forgive me please.

But, I figure that's one of the goals of the challenge. Let's find out what's good and what's not and warn each other if we have to. :D

"Full" challenge review will come later this week.


  1. That's too bad that you couldn't make it through the book but I'm sure there were good reasons behind it! I enjoyed this challenge. I think I'm going to make a habit to do something like this more often.

  2. You wimp!! Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? No! Get back in there and finish. I look forward to the review, if it is that bad than rip it apart (humorously, of course)

  3. Awwww...sorry! I hate it when a book is just that bad. Just means you get to move on to a good book quicker ;)

  4. haha! I don't know why I'm laughing. It's just funny....

  5. I haven't read it, but just looking at that cover makes me think it would be a bit dodgy. I'm having better luck with Tymon's Flight.

  6. I'm sorry to hear you couldn't finish it. I'm usually the kind of person who will attempt to plough through a book regardless (or at least try to) but there comes a point where you can't fake an interest for that long. I hope that the next book you read is a lot more enjoyable :)

  7. Haha, I know it's lame, but I couldn't go on and I really really tried.

    I'm now back into An Autumn War and it's like a breath of fresh air. :)

  8. Ah well, so you couldn't finish...that will only make the review more interesting. Books like that only make the next one all the more better.

  9. So true and I think you need to read the occasional flop to remember what's good.

  10. I still have to read the second half of Abraham's series. Hope to get to it before too long.

    I still think you should finish the book, even if you need skim to the end.

  11. You should, it's good stuff.

    You know what, I'm a terrible skimmer. I thought of doing something like that, but I always get bogged down actually reading. :)


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