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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Speculative Book Review - Open to the Public

Some of my favorite people on the interwebs have started a collaborative blog over at Speculative Book Review and I couldn't be more excited. They've already got some great reviews up as well as an interview with Tad Williams.

Now, this isn't any ol' interview. This is Peter living the dream and interviewing his favorite author of all time. How cool is that? If you say less than uber-cool, you will be shunned. :)

On a similar note, I got an email from John Marco (Jackal of Nar) the other day and on a very small level, I know the feeling.


  1. That's great. I actually picked up six of Marco's books based on your enthusiasm for them, from a post over at SFFWorld.

  2. Hope you like them. I thought he had an interesting take on the genre although I have yet to read the bronze knight trilogy. Probably soon though. Marco definitely falls in the more descriptive of authors.

  3. I know, I follow Speculative Book Review. And as I appreciate Tad Williams I mentioned the interview in my Weekly Roundup :)

  4. I have been following Speculative Book Review as well. Some great stuff over there.

    Cool to hear Marco emailed you! I followed your link (I had not read the book), that sounds like a great read! I am going to have to add it to my list to get. Thank you!

  5. It's really good Melissa. He puts in a convincing bit of technology (flame canons if I remember right) mixed with fantastic elements.


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