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Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Moon

Yes, I finally saw New Moon, number two in the Twilight Saga, last night and yes, I'm probably the last person in the world to do so. Is there anyone who embodies stale, boringness more than Kristen Stewart? Talking this over with my wife, we decided that it's almost like she feels like she's too cool to show emotion and constantly holds herself back. She was in "love" with two people right? At least that was what I was supposed to get, but I felt it absolutely lacked anything close to chemistry between any of the characters.

I haven't read the books (and I'm still debating over whether to add "yet"), so for me this movie was both better and worse than the first film. Better because the editing and cinematography weren't so awkward and there was more action. Worse, because the ideas were brand new and interesting in the first and now just old news.

Honestly, I was kinda looking forward to seeing New Moon because I'd heard it was better than the first. But, by the end of the movie I was completely bored and ready to be done. You can only take so much sappiness at a time.


  1. Ok I'll admit it I was probably to distracted by "Edward" and "Jacob" to notice how boring and stale Kristen Steward is haha. I think it was done much better then the first one but I still can't get over vampires who sparkle...kinda ruins their predator image just a little. I don't know how much you'll like the novels but I really did like them despite Bella being a little to whiny and submissive for what I normally enjoy in a protagonist. I look forward to seeing what you have to write if you do read the books!

  2. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I'll get there to reading the books. I know too many people that just really like them and I give in to peer pressure way too easily. :)

    I have to admit, "Edward" does a good job, Kristen is just bleh...

  3. I haven't seen the movies and never read the entire series. Got bored and I didn't want to read another "vampire's aren't really evil" book. There are plenty that are much better done.

    In the images I've seen of the movies, Kristen always looks bleh and you don't even get the impression of chemistry between her and the that plays Edward.

  4. @Ruthann - Yup, you got it fast, there's pretty much nothing there. :) As a guy, I usually don't seek out a love story, but I can appreciate a well done relationship. This was just boring and I wanted to leave.

  5. Okay, are you going to make me admit it? Well... here it goes... I have not read any of the books and not seen any of the movies. I know I am an awful book reader for not tackling this series right away. I just thought there were so many people going crazy over all these that I would wait till everyone forgets about them, then read them. I like trying to do books that others are not doing yet. I do get some of the currents that people are doing but this was way over done, so I figured I would wait.

    Sorry you didn't care for it though. Maybe the next one will be better.

  6. Don't feel bad, Bryce. I haven't read the books, I have seen Twilight, but have no inclination to see New Moon. My wife tried to read the books, but only got through the first two before she was siezed by an overwhelming urge to reach into the book and throttle Bella, she hasn't been able to go back since.

  7. @Melissa - I support doing that. I'm just way too influenced by peer pressure. :)

    @Elfy - Haha, that's the feeling I got from my wife too although she read the whole series. We'll see. I definitely need to take down my To-Read pile a bit before I even think of moving to Twilight.

  8. I actually quite enjoyed the Twilight series, as a lighthearted romance, though I was surprised at the waves that these books made. The movies, though, were just really boring. I had started watching Twilight before I read the book and a few minutes in I thought that maybe I needed to read the book first to enjoy the movie, so I read the book and then tried the movie again and it was still just as bad so I only watched it halfway through. New Moon I saw with a friend, and it was really just completely uninteresting, though I thought that Kristen Steward was the most true to her character then any of the actors.

    @Melissa: I think you would really like Twilight (the book). You should give it a try

  9. Kristen Stewart acts exactly the same in every role she has ever played. It mainly involves her bottom lip. Beyond that there isn't much that she can do. If it calls for happiness or total terror she just moves her bottom lip into a grimace.
    As for the movie/series itself, its total garbage. Vampires that sparkle?WTF?

  10. @Tyson - Hahaha. Too true. Yeah, sparkly Vampires just doesn't make sense either. I heard she dreamed it and that's why we have the series and the sparkles.

  11. Oh the book is SO much better :) But isn't that always the case?

  12. PS The wolves are so much better. Sadly the film did not give them the screen time they deserved. The book New Moon is almost completely about the wolves.


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