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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Any writers out there?

I found an awesome blog that I could literally spend hours looking through by Janet Reid, a Literary Agent. In the post that's in the link, Janet explains what manuscripts she turned down in the last year and why.

In addition to this, there's tons of content to help all those aspiring writers fulfill that elusive dream of becoming a professional writer. Have fun.


  1. Aha! I have this page saved as a favorite. I am trying to realize the life-long dream of being published, so I collect all kinds of things like this post.

    I really like the new layout, btw.

  2. Thanks. I was just never satisfied with the old look so I had to make a change using the Blog Fairy, which is an actual website with blog backgrounds.

    Oh and I definitely think of all people, you'll achieve the dream. I've been meaning to read your stuff on sffworld, but I just haven't had a ton of time for lots of sffworld lately. :(

  3. If you are interested in writing then you should listen to Brandon Sanderson's podcast Writing Excuses. I really enjoy it and I learn so much from it.

  4. Do you have a link for that, sounds cool. I actually went to the same university (BYU) that Sanderson teaches creative writing at. If I had only known that at the time. :(


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