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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Suvudu, Giveaways, and Blogs is the blog for Random house and those good folks have been offering free e-books on a monthly basis. The great part is that it's not just any books are being given away. In the last few months they've had such titles as His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik, Perdido Street Station by China Mieville. and plenty more (like titles from R.A. Salvatore and Anne McCaffrey).

Moral of the story, check it out at least monthly for some good stuff. Right now they're giving away Already Dead by Charlie Huston.

In December, Suvudu has been running a series of contests where one book is being given away on a daily basis, you just have to sign up for every book you're interested in. That way they're hoping to make sure everyone gets a fair chance for the books they actually want.

This month, Pat at has been doing some amazing giveaways as well. He's asked publishers to put together packages of books to give away on his site. Definitely check this out too (even though I know this is ruining my chances). :)

One more thing. This is just a shout-out to my friend Tyson who's got a great blog going at There are already some nice reviews on some pretty cool (and not so cool) books that you should check out (or not).


  1. HI! Your like on book blogs isn't working properly. I had to type your address. I see you only gave Dan Brown a 2. I did a review on Angels and Demons on my blog. I can't remember if it even got a 2.

    Happy Reading!

  2. Came check you out since I saw you on book blogs! I'm a follower now :)

  3. 5peas - Yeah, Dan Brown just doesn't do it for me. I'm actually surprised I even gave him a 2. :)

    Kris - I'm followin' now!


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