I really wish I had his dedication. :)
Anyway, the plan for the next month or so is to either finish or continue some of the series' I've been working through. All but two of the books pictured below are either the next book in the series I need to read or the end of a series.
Part 1 (from left to right): An Autumn War and The Price of Spring by Daniel Abraham, The Machinery of Light by David J. Williams, and Return of the Crimson Guard by Ian C. Esslemont
Yes, I'm finally planning on finishing The Long Price Quartet. I wouldn't blame you if you thought I forgot, but I finally found a copy of The Price of Spring and didn't want to continue without it.
Part 2 (from left to right): CassaStar by Alex J. Cavanaugh, Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King, and Flight to the Savage Empire by Jean Lorrah and Winston A. Howlett
That last one you'll find out more about soon; at least as to why I'm reading it.
The beautiful background color in the pictures is courtesy of my wonderful law library desk. Just love the color choices.