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Series Finished

I needed something to go along with my "Series in Progress" list as I've found it's a bit disappointing to finish a series and then have to retire it from the previous list. :D I'll also include an overall series rating to give at least a general feeling about the series. However, I tend not to finish a series unless I'm going to like books a decent amount.

(Alphabetical by Author Last Name)


The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (4.5/5)
1) The Blade Itself
2) Before They Are Hanged
3) Last Argument of Kings

The Shattered Sea by Joe Abercrombie (3/5)
1) Half a King 
2) Half the World 
3) Half a War 

The Long Price Quartet by Daniel Abraham (4.5/5)
1) A Shadow in Summer
2) A Betrayal in Winter
3) An Autumn War
4) The Price of Spring


The Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett (5/5)
1) The Painted Man 
2) The Desert Spear 
3) The Daylight War 
4) The Skull Throne 
5) The Core 
[novella] The Great Bazaar and Other Stories (read)
[novella] Brayan's Gold (read)
[novella] Messenger's Legacy
[novella] Barren

Red Rising by Pierce Brown (4/5)
1) Red Rising
2) Golden Son
3) Morning Star

Codex Alera by Jim Butcher (4/5)
1) Furies of Calderon
2) Academ's Fury
3) Cursor's Fury
4) Captain's Fury
5) Princeps' Fury
6) First Lord's Fury


The Ender Saga by Orson Scott Card (3/5)
1) Ender's Game
2) Speaker for the Dead 
3) Xenocide
4) Children of the Mind

Mithermages by Orson Scott Card (3.5/5)
1) The Lost Gate
2) The Gate Thief
3) Gatefather 

The Sundering by Jacqueline Carey (4/5)
1) Banewreaker
2) Godslayer

Shadow Ops by Myke Cole (4.5/5)
1) Control Point 
2) Fortress Frontier
3) Breach Zone 

The Hunger Games (Audiobook) by Suzanne Collins (3/5)
1) The Hunger Games
2) Catching Fire
3) Mockingjay


Maze Runner by James Dashner (3/5)
Prequel) The Kill Order (not read)
1) The Maze Runner 
2) The Scorch Trials 
3) The Death Cure 


The Belgariad by David Eddings (4/5) - Good starter fantasy series.
1) Pawn of Prophecy
2) Queen of Sorcery
3) Magician's Gambit
4) Castle of Wizardry
5) Enchanter's End Game

The Mallorean by David Eddings (3/5) - Retread of The Belgariad.
1) Guardians of the West
2) King of the Murgos
3) Demon Lord of Karanda
4) Sorceress of Darshiva
5) Seeress of Kell

Pilo Family Circus by Will Elliott (5/5)
1) The Pilo Family Circus
2) The Pilo Traveling Show

Malazan Book of the Fallen by Stephen Erikson (5/5)
1) Gardens of the Moon
2) Deadhouse Gates
3) Memories of Ice 
4) House of Chains
5) Midnight Tides 
6) The Bonehunters
7) Reapers Gale 
8) Toll the Hounds 
9) Dust of Dreams 
10)The Crippled God 


The Riftwar Saga by Raymond Feist (4/5)
1) Magician: Apprentice
2) Magician: Master
3) Silverthorn
4) A Darkness at Sethanon


The Magicians by Lev Grossman (5/5)
1) The Magicians
2) The Magician King
3) The Magician Land


Finn Fancy by Randy Henderson (3/5)
1) Finn Fancy Necromancy
2) Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free
3) Smells Like Finn Spirit

The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb (4/5)
1) Assassin's Apprentice
2) Royal Assassin
3) Assassin's Quest 

Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb (5/5)
1) Ship of Magic 
2) Mad Ship 
3) Ship of Destiny



The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (4.5/5)
0) New Spring 
1) The Eye of the World 
2) The Great Hunt 
3) The Dragon Reborn 
4) The Shadow Rising 
5) The Fires of Heaven 
6) Lord of Chaos 
7) A Crown of Swords 
8) The Path of Daggers 
9) Winter's Heart 
10) Crossroads of Twilight 
11) Knife of Dreams 
12) The Gathering Storm 
13) Towers of Midnight 
14) A Memory of Light 


Macht Series by Paul Kearney (4/5)
1) The Ten Thousand
2) Corvus
3) Kings of the Morning

The Dark Tower by Stephen King (5/5)
1) The Gunslinger
2) The Drawing of the Three 
3) The Wastelands 
4) Wizard and Glass
4.5) The Wind Through the Keyhole 
5) Wolves of the Calla
6) Song of Susannah
7) The Dark Tower


Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence (4.5/5)
1) Prince of Thorns 
2) King of Thorns 
3) Emperor of Thorns 

Greenbone Saga by Fonda Lee (5/5)
1) Jade City
2) Jade War
3) Jade Legacy

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis (5/5)
1) The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
2) Prince Caspian
3) The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4) The Silver Chair
5) The Horse and His Boy
6) The Magician's Nephew
7) The Last Battle


The Lukien/Bronze Knight Trilogy by John Marco (4.5/5)
1) The Eyes of God
2) The Devil's Armor 
3) The Sword of Angels 
The Forever Knight

Tyrants and Kings by John Marco (5/5)
1) The Jackal of Nar
2) The Grand Design
3) The Saints of the Sword

Powdermage by Brian McClellan (4.5/5)
1) Promise of Blood 
2) The Crimson Campaign 
3) The Autumn Republic 

Ithelas by Liane Merciel (4/5)
1) The River Kings' Road
2) Heaven's Needle




His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman (3/5)
1) The Golden Compass
2) The Subtle Knife
3) The Amber Spyglass



Dragon Prince Trilogy by Melanie Rawn (4/5)
1) Dragon Prince
2) The Star Scroll
3) Sunrunner's Fire

Percy Jackson Series by Rick Riordan (3/5)
1) The Lightning Thief 
2) The Sea of monsters 
3) The Titan's Curse 
4) The Battle of the Labyrinth
5) The Last Olympian

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling (5/5) - Starts slow, but books 4-7 are amazing.
1) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
2) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore (4/5)
1) Homeland
2) Exile
3) Sojourn

Bloodsounder's Arc by Jeff Salyards (4.5/5)
1) Scourge of the Betrayer
2) Veil of the Deserters
3) Chains of the Heretic

Old Man's War by John Scalzi (4/5)
1) Old Man's War 
2) The Ghost Brigades 
3) The Last Colony 
Zoe's Tale (not read)
The Human Division 

Shattered Sigil by Courtney Schafer (5/5)
1) The Whitefire Crossing 
2) The Tainted City
3) The Labyrinth of Flame

Shades of Magic by V.E. Schwab (4/5)
1) A Darker Shade of Magic
2) A Gathering of Shadows
3) A Conjuring of Light

Ilium by Dan Simmons (5/5)
1) Ilium
2) Olympos

The Shadow Saga by Jon Sprunk (4/5)
1) Shadow's Son
2) Shadow's Lure
3) Shadow's Master

The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan (4/5)
1) The Crown Conspiracy
2) Avempartha
3) Nyphron Rising
4) Emerald Storm
5) Wintertide 
6) Percepliquis
1) Theft of Swords (books 1 & 2)
2) Rise of Empire (books 3 & 4)
3) Heir of Novron (books 5 & 6)


The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien (5/5)
1) Fellowship of the Ring
2) The Two Towers
3) Return of the King




Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks (4/5)
1) The Way of Shadows
2) Shadow's Edge
3) Beyond the Shadows

Autumn Rain by David J. Williams (4/5)
1) The Mirrored Heavens
2) The Burning Skies
3) The Machinery of Light

Malice by Chris Wooding (4/5)
1) Malice
2) Havoc




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