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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Book Haul - Making Up For Lost Posts

I've neglected my Book Hauls for quite some time so I figured I'd collect as many as I could find and post them all in one. I like to keep track of my books this way and I can't deny how much I just plain like to look at a stack of books.

Newest to Oldest ... I think.

- Ressurrection (Blood of the Lamb #3) by Mandy Hager
- My Real Children by Joe Walton - I'm extremely excited about this one, should get to it shortly.

- The Wurms of Blearmouth (Bauchelain and Korbal Broach #5) by Steven Erikson - Need I say more?
- The Return of the Discontinued Man (Burton & Swinburne #5) by Mark Hodder
- Nebula Awards Showcase 2014, ed. by Kij Johnson
- The Crimson Campaign (Powder Mages #2) by Brian McClellan
- Thief's Magic (Millennium's Rule #1) by Trudi Canavan - Might be my first by the author. Looks great.
- The Scroll of Years (Gaunt and Bone #1) by Chris Willrich
- The Silk Map (Gaunt and Bone #2) by Chris Willrich x2 - I think Pyr's trying to say something...

So ... what happened was ... I forgot what I'd photographed and doubled up. The only change from the above picture is Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence, which I'm dying to read. May have to move some things around.

- Mystery Book (See below)
- The Leopard (Marakand #1) by K.V. Johansen - I just read Blackdog, a stand-alone in the same world and it was excellent. This is exciting news to have more from Johansen.
- The Barrow by Mark Smylie - Gave this copy away actually.
- Blood and Iron (Book of the Black Earth #1) by Jon Sprunk - This one too.
- Pillar to the Sky  by William R. Fortschen

The Mystery Book:

Yep, you've seen this book above, but this is how the ARC came. Pretty cool when publisher's do this. It piqued my interest, that's for sure.