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Friday, January 25, 2013

Book Haul - Jordan, Sanderson, Bennett, Brett, Mack

This was a great week for a nice haul of books. I really just want to drop everything and read...for like a year. I'm sure I'm unique in this wish. 

I don't have time to do the usual post with synopses, so here's the list:

-Star Trek: The Next Generation: Cold Equations III: The Body Electric by David Mack
-The Daylight War (Demon Cycle #3) by Peter V. Brett [currently reading]
-American Elsewhere by Robert Jackson Bennett
-A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time #14 and final book!) by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson - This is actually a giveaway win instead of ARC like the rest from a great site - If you like lists, and seriously who doesn't, check it out.