Monday, September 2, 2013

Book Haul - Williams, Gunn, Zafon, Gemmell, Wolfe, Gunn

I've been spending lots of time in the library lately, how can I go and not pick up a book or two that's for sale? It's just about impossible as it turns out.

- City of Golden Shadow (Otherland #1) by Tad Williams - Been meaning to pick this up for a while.
- Death's Head by David Gunn - Picked these three up in their entirety for $1.20. My other blog gets a pretty constant stream of people to all of our David Gunn stuff, which occurred before I became a regular and it's peaked my interest. I guess no one knows who he/she is. Pays to be linked in Wikipedia too I guess.
- Death's Head: Maximum Offense by David Gunn
- Death's Head: Day of the Damned by David Gunn
- The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - Another that's been on the list a while.
- The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend by David Gemmell - Need to get back to these.

For Review:
- Shadows of the New Sun - This is an anthology dedicated to Gene Wolfe with two new stories from him. I read the first one and it was good ... if a little confusing as to its point.
- Transcendental by James Gunn - Speaking of Gunns. I don't know if I'll get to this, the reviews of people I trust have not been good.